Benefits of Fatigue Management
Tackling fatigue and poor sleep leads to a virtuous circle which will show on your bottom line.
Healthier, happier and well-rested employees are less likely to be absent through illness and are less inclined towards presenteeism. They have greater clarity of thought, improved communication skills and are more team-focused. Poor mental health, poor sleep and fatigue are common companions. By tackling fatigue you can improve mental health and reduce overall stress levels - the most common reason for long term ill health.
Every day of staff fatigue costs your company in lost productivity, higher accident rates and missed opportunities.

Well-rested staff are more productive.
- are better able to manage workloads
- are more creative
- are more team focused
- are more productive.
Fatigued staff are less productive.
Sleeping for less than 5 hours a night can inhibit performance to the same extent as being legally drunk.
A study from Circadian technologies showed that regularly working 60+ hours a week leads to a performance decline of up to 25%.
Well-rested staff make fewer errors.
- make fewer errors
- take fewer risks.
Fatigued staff are a greater safety risk.
It has been shown that fatigued people are more likely to take risks (even in the battlefield).
The Exxon Valdeez, Challenger Space Shuttle, Chernobyl, Three Mile Island and Herald of Free Enterprise (to name a few) catastrophes were all attributable to human fatigue.
Well-rested staff are less likely to be absent.
- are less susceptible to illness
- have better long-term health
- are less prone to stress.
Fatigued staff are more susceptible to ill health.
Poor quality sleep has been scientifically documented to increase the risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.
Fatigue also reduces the body’s immune system meaning staff are more susceptible to common illnesses such as colds and flu.
Stress and fatigue are common companions.
Well-rested staff achieve more during the day.
- are more proactive
- rarely report that fatigue interferes with their work
- suffer less from the circadian dip.
Fatigued staff achieve less during the day.
Fatigued staff are more likely to suffer from lower morale.
They also suffer more from the natural drowsy spell in the afternoon caused by our circadian rhythm.
They report that fatigue interferes with their work on a regular basis.
Work life balance
Well-rested staff lead a more balanced life.
- are able to make a full contribution in all aspects of life
- are happier
- are less stressed.
Fatigued staff struggle with responsibilities.
Fatigued people do not have the energy to make a full contribution to all aspects of their lives – leading to stress and feelings of resentment. They also suffer in their professional relationships and personal relationships.
Fatigued people become overwhelmed by their conflicting responsibilities.
Well-rested staff are more engaged at work.
A good work life balance translates into better staff engagement.
Fatigued staff are less engaged at work.
Poor work life balance translates to low staff engagement. In turn this results in lower productivity, and increased absence.
Working relationships become compromised. Fatigued staff are less co-operative and team-orientated.
Well-rested staff communicate better.
Well rested people are better able to express themselves. They have better mental and verbal reasoning.
Fatigued staff suffer from poor communication.
It is proven that fatigue leads to a reduction in our vocabulary. Our communication becomes disjointed.
The bottom line
Well-rested staff contribute more.
Make stronger contributions at work
are less likely to be absent
are more productive – which has a strong positive effect on the bottom line.
Fatigued staff cost more.
Fatigued staff are more prone to absenteeism, presenteeism and reduced productivity – all of which have a negative impact on your bottom line.
Find out how TPoH can help your company reduce fatigue and increase employee productivity.