Case study: East Cheshire NHS Trust
Running a sleep improvement programme for your staff not only improves key sleep metrics but also significantly reduces absence rates. In this case study we explore...
READSleep and fatigue in UK working populations
In this white paper we explore the state of sleep and fatigue in UK working populations based on over 6,500 responses to our sleep health self-assessment...
READThe cost of sleeplessness to your business
At the end of 2016 a report from RAND Europe shone a light on the cost of sleeplessness across 5 major OECD countries. In this article we explore the results, why...
READ5 top interventions to tackle sleep deprivation and fatigue in staff
Sleep deprivation and fatigue is an under-estimated cost to organisations. In this article we explore the top 5 interventions you can introduce to help your staff...
READWhy should you put Employee Energy at the forefront of your staff health and wellbeing strategy?
Tiredness and fatigue, particularly as a result of sleep deprivation, is now being described as a 'public health epidemic.' In this white paper we use research data...
READShift Working: The health & performance implication and link to poor sleep
In this white paper we use recent research to comprehensively outline the health & performance implications of shift working, the related costs, the link...
READHow and why should you tackle the growing issues of stress, burnout and sleep deprivation in staff?
Stress and mental ill-health is now the number 1 cause of long-term sickness. Difficult economic times mean increased anxiety and stress around workload, job security and...
READDrowsy Driving: How and why should your organisation take a more proactive approach to tackling this costly problem?
Depending on which piece of research you read between 20 and 40% of all accidents on the roads are attributable to driver fatigue. Insufficient sleep, poor individual choices...
READExamining the need for programmes to counter tiredness and fatigue in safety-critical industries
Barely a week goes by without another story about an accident or near miss due to tiredness and fatigue. When you combine the need for shift working and the...
READDISCUSSION DOCUMENT: Can the introduction of controlled rest periods (naps) benefit your organisation’s bottom line?
In this paper we explore the implications of poor sleep, look at the nutritional & health implications of the measures we adopt to improve alertness and examine whether a...
READAudio recording: You are what you sleep. Cambridge University Festival of Ideas.
In October 2017 it was an honour to be part of a panel session “You are what you sleep” at Cambridge University's “Festival of Ideas.” There were some really interesting...
READAudio recording: The Importance of Sleep – The Overlooked Ingredient to Business Success?
A little while ago I was part of a panel session in conjunction with Squire Patton Boggs and RAND Europe discussing “the importance of sleep – the overlooked ingredient to...
READWebinar: The importance of sleep to wellbeing - Recording
Sleep together with exercise & nutrition form the three pillars of good health. Poor sleep results in poor health, safety and performance. Why should you incorporate sleep into your...
READHow to tackle driver fatigue
“It is estimated that fatigue is a factor in 20% of accidents on UK roads however, when the public is asked to name their top five road risks, it barely gets a mention...”
READWorkers urged to maintain sleep patterns in Christmas party season
“A leading expert has urged workers to maintain good sleep patterns during the festive season, as new research highlights the impact Christmas parties can have on...”
READHow the construction industry is recognising and tackling fatigue
Marcus de Guingand from Third Pillar of Health, looks at managing fatigue in the workplace. He explores some of the common findings in respect of fatigue in construction...
READIs fatigue the greatest threat to UK policing?
“At first glance the threat of fatigue to policing may seem like an extraordinary assertion. Surely UK policing (and other police forces around the world) have much bigger issues...”
READHow does sleep impact health and productivity?
In the run up to Safety & Health Expo 2018, SHPmeets sleep expert Marcus de Guingand, Managing Director at Third Pillar of Health Ltd, provider of fatigue management...
READFatigue in the workplace: Why a good night’s sleep makes for a safer work environment.
“Legend has it that Margaret Thatcher used to run the country on just four hours sleep a night. The oft-quoted rumour helped define an era of the 1980s when sleep...”
READShould companies incorporate sleep in the their health and wellbeing programmes?
“So why does this matter? It is not my intention to go in to depth on this but numerous studies have shown that sleep deprivation can have an immediate adverse effect on our...”
Find out how TPoH can help your company reduce fatigue and increase employee productivity.