Sleep and fatigue in UK working populations
In this white paper we explore the state of sleep and fatigue in UK working populations based on over 6,500 responses to our sleep health self-assessment...
READWhy should you put Employee Energy at the forefront of your staff health and wellbeing strategy?
Tiredness and fatigue, particularly as a result of sleep deprivation, is now being described as a 'public health epidemic.' In this white paper we use research data...
READShift Working: The health & performance implication and link to poor sleep
In this white paper we use recent research to comprehensively outline the health & performance implications of shift working, the related costs, the link...
READHow and why should you tackle the growing issues of stress, burnout and sleep deprivation in staff?
Stress and mental ill-health is now the number 1 cause of long-term sickness. Difficult economic times mean increased anxiety and stress around workload, job security and...
READDrowsy Driving: How and why should your organisation take a more proactive approach to tackling this costly problem?
Depending on which piece of research you read between 20 and 40% of all accidents on the roads are attributable to driver fatigue. Insufficient sleep, poor individual choices...
READExamining the need for programmes to counter tiredness and fatigue in safety-critical industries
Barely a week goes by without another story about an accident or near miss due to tiredness and fatigue. When you combine the need for shift working and the...
READDISCUSSION DOCUMENT: Can the introduction of controlled rest periods (naps) benefit your organisation’s bottom line?
In this paper we explore the implications of poor sleep, look at the nutritional & health implications of the measures we adopt to improve alertness and examine whether a...
Find out how TPoH can help your company reduce fatigue and increase employee productivity.